The Disengagement

The Disengagement


The Disengagement


Colonel Krityanand Das, Veteran

MUSING : The Disengagement on LAC : In civil world – engagement is good and positive thing to take place , while disengagement is bad and has negative consequences. But in military world it is just the opposite. Engagement with the enemy means commencement of fire fight and disengament means cease fire and some way out for peaceful and an agreed retreat.

Disengament has happened in Eastern Ladakh now after many rounds of talks preceded by fist fights of stone age brutalities followed with loss of precious human lives on both sides. Indian losses are known while Chinese hide their deaths fearing a loss of face. But it is now known from many sources that Chinese losses were more than double, than that of India’s.These losses could have been avoided, had the Chinese not been vile and trust less.

Chinese have started moving their tanks and other heavy equipments to the rear and the Indians will do the same on their side.They have also agreed to dismantle such infrastructures that came up post April 2020. A sort of buffer zones have also been agreed in between the agreed posts held by troops, to avoid clashes in future.

The Indian Defense Minister has confirmed on the floor of house that no loss of territory has taken place. Hope it is so.This was in the PangongTso Lake sector, covering both banks ie. North and South. Once the disengament is complete in this sector , the talks for the other sectors will resume.

Why did China massed up such huge build-up?

May be they thought the Indians were fighting the Chinese virus and would not have means and mood to fight the real Chinses. Indians fought well on both fronts while Chinese made wrong calculations on their abacus and misjudged the Indian reaction and response.

They have encountered a new trend and tenor on ground and in the attitude of the leadership at all level.They had hoped that they will make quick territorial gains and undo the advantages that may have accrued from the infrastructural developments that had taken place on the Indian sides of the LAC to match the Chinese works.The Chinese hope had cold waters poured on it by Indian actions. Occupation of Kailash Range heights also made Chinese occupation untenable and they needed some graceful face saving way out.That India has given them.

But the Chinese are quick learners.They will try out new tricks. It will be foolish to believe the Chinese ever, hereafter.The bonhomie carried out by Xi was to lull us into deep slumber. In their book of 36 Stratgem they are taught to feed the opponent from their own plate and make them drink wine from their own glasses and then steal the fire under the opponent’s cauldron. That fortunately has flopped for the good.

The trust deficiency is so deep now that it should make us careful and not buy any Chinese bonhomie ever after. Chinese have always been preaching us to keep the boundary dispute away from all other bilateral relations.The statement of the Defense Minister has made it clear that the two cannot be separated. Which is a very positive and wise move.

The Chinese infrastructures along their side of the LAC are so developed that they can build up huge presence in very short time.We have to make use of lull periods to improve our infrastructures. Still here are areas where we can only move on foot.This needs to improve and we must match up with the Chinese, if not be better than them.

The Chinese border villages have come up along the LAC.These are nothing but cluster of cantonments.We have to do something like that and should recruit from the locals so that ready and fresh troops are available in the area who need no acclamatisation and also know the ground like their palm.We have an advantage, the Chinses donot have.They have to depend on Han Chinese, for the Tibetans and the Uighurs donot enjoy their trust.

We must work on igniting these faultless, so that Han donot feel safe in these areas. Somehow we have been reluctant to make use of this advantage, while the Chinese have kept all our fault lines infumes. Not only that even our mainstream political parties and media have been found tilted towards the Chinese.

This is unfortunate, but it is there.Then ,over the years ,Chinese have bought our neighborhood with money. As if Pakistan was not enough, we let the Chinese move in unchecked , so much so that even Nepal now talks in Mandarin accent! We must make it a policy that any South Asian country that is not with us will go through a bitter bout of civil war.

We should know that China is now rich and powerful. It has made big strides in fields of industry and economy and in military buildup and diplomacy. We have to work real hard to match up with the Chinese.

To compensate this contemporary shortcoming we must have alliances to over come that.The Chinese made best use of both the Soveit and the West .We couldn’t. Now we can only work hard to matchup and catch up to avoid becoming historical ketchup that we had been in the past.

Chinese are most vulnerable in the Indian Ocean.Their energy resources and raw materials requiments and the export of finished goods pass through this area. For this we need a strong Navy.

If we can crowd fund to construct temples , why can’t we crowd fund to build few Aircraft Carriers to strengthen our Navy?

The Chinese must be made to pay for all their misadventures in the North on the mountains, in South in the seas.

We must not give easy market to Chinese goods in our own country at all and only give them tough competition every where else.

We got to make India again the manufacturing hub of the world like the Chinese have made China, in such short span of time.

We are in a transitional phase of history. When an old world power is phasing out from the scene and there is an emerging power on the look out to replace it.Toyanbee has called such time the “Heroic Age”.China has already jumped in the ring.

India is late, but not very late as yet. Even if India does not want to be on top, the China sees her as only potential rival and will harm her from within by igniting her faultlines and without by inciting her neighbors to keep her bogged down.

China does not believe in cooperation and so there will only be clashes and conflicts in Asia.

We got to make our mind and prepare resolutely. For China is a tough and large adversary.

We need to win our neighborhood. Somehow destroy Pakistan’s nukes with cooperation of Israel and American and divide it in four parts.Work out a Confederacy of South Asian countries.

Help Tibet, Eastern Turkistan, South Mongolia, Manchuria and South Eastern China to break away from China for all these non Han areas were occupied in Manchu period and reoccupied again with the capture of power by the Communists.

Induce democracy into China to destroy Communist hold. Both West under leadership of America and India will have to get together to do it.

If not then the Water Dragon will breath flames into the nostrils and the lungs of the Democratic World and destroy it instead.

The Harvard Professor Dr Allison in his theory of the Thucydides Trap says that war will precede the change of power.

So the only way out is : Get ready for war!

युद्धाय कृत निश्चय:!!