Want full investigation from USA on modus operandi of American terrorist Pannun

We the people of India reiterate our stand on the modus operandi of American terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun from American soil. Indian Government must ask Biden Government of USA to conduct a full investigation as how this American terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is able to operate freely against India, from the American soil.
This designated terrorist holds dual citizenship of both the so called democratic US and Canada. He is not even an Indian Citizen but still wants to balkanize India and for this has built up a small organization and seems to have unlimited funding. So it is quite evident that vested interests in both USA and Canada are utilizing this terrorist in an effort to prevent India from rapidly rising as an economic and a military power.
Pannun, the American terrorist or Canadian terrorist, is designated as a terrorist by the Union Home Ministry under the anti-terror law Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. He has been on the National Investigation Agency’s radar since 2019 when the anti-terror federal agency registered its first case against the terrorist, who has been playing a major role in promoting and commissioning terror acts and activities, and spreading fear and terror in the State of Punjab and other parts of the country.
However Shri Eric Garcetti, USA ambassador in India instead of giving out the action plan of Biden’s administration against this American terrorist, talked about the attempted murder plot on this low life. The US Ambassador forgetting the fact that any attempt on balkanization of India is more than any similar RED LiNE of Communist China on Taiwan, instead started emphasising Biden’s funny ‘Red Line’ which should not be crossed by India.
Biden thinks that it is quite right for an American to indulge in terror activities against India from American soil but totally wrong for India to try and “eliminate “ that terrorist on American soil itself ……he thinks that such rights can be executed only by the United States as done with Osamabin Laden. He was executed by USA military in outright violation of Pakistan’s Sovereignty. Well Biden is highly mistaken.
US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller on 4th April, 2024 said the United States wants India to conduct a full investigation into the American terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun murder plot. “We have made clear to the Government of India that we want to see them conduct a full investigation, and we continue to look forward to the results of that investigation…,” Miller said.
We will too encourage Biden and his Administration to conduct a full Enquiry into Pannun’s activities from US soil. It should also be made very clear to the American Administration that we want a full stop to all such activities from their soil. All funding’s to such terrorists must also be stopped.
India must work with USA to hold accountable those behind the funding to anti India activities from USA.
This is a serious issue. A serious issue between the United States and India. How an American citizen operating at the behest of some groups/individuals in the USA government is getting funds to operate against India. We take this in India incredibly seriously and the Govt of India must raise it at the highest levels with USA.
It seems last year, a plot was executed by some in USA in which an Indian national Nikhil Gupta was charged by USA federal prosecutors in connection with his “involvement” in a foiled plot to assassinate the American terrorist on USA soil.
Nikhil Gupta has been charged that he was working with “ an Indian government employee” who had agreed to pay an assassin $1,00,000 to kill Pannun, the American terrorist with dual citizenship in the US and Canada.