West waters down anti-Russian UNGA resolution

West waters down anti-Russian UNGA resolution


West waters down anti-Russian UNGA resolution

According to Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky, “work on the General Assembly’s draft resolution on the ‘first anniversary’ of the special military operation has been difficult”.

Western countries have watered down the anti-Russian resolution that will be submitted to the UN General Assembly’s special session on Ukraine on February 22, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said on Saturday.

“Work on the General Assembly’s draft resolution on the ‘first anniversary’ of the special military operation has been difficult. The Westerners tried to smooth everything out as much as possible and leave all the sensitive issues out in order to secure the broadest support possible.

They simply muzzled the Ukrainians to prevent them from ruining these efforts and scare others away, so now they [the Ukrainians] are sadly watching the document becoming more and more watered-down,” he wrote on Telegram. “Still, many aren’t ready to support it. We’ll see how it goes,” Poyansky added.

The UN General Assembly’s special session on Ukraine will resume on February 22. A resolution calling for resolving the conflict based on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s ten-point plan will be presented to the session. Russian Special Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya earlier slammed such initiatives as a mockery of efforts to find a solution to the crisis. Voting on the resolution is scheduled for February 23.